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Spiritual Life

Redlands Adventist Academy is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution where the ultimate goal is to point students toward Christ and equip them to serve their school, church, and global communities. To this end, the school community dedicates itself—to opening the minds of the students, to opening the doors of opportunity for them, and to openings their hearts by pointing each one to a choice for a personal relationship with Christ Jesus our Lord.


Participation in athletics at RAA teaches fair play, sportsmanship, and the understanding and appreciation of teamwork. It teaches that to quit, means failure, but to follow through on a commitment while working hard, brings about rewards.

Student Association

At Redlands Adventist Academy we understand the value of community. RAA students have many opportunities to connect socially because we know that as students laugh together and play together, bonds are created strengthen the strong feeling of community and connectedness that pervades every aspect of our campus life.

Partnering for Eternity (PFE) and ASSIST

Partnering for Eternity and ASSIST pairs students with mentors to build inter-generational friendships and provides tuition assistance.


Students may participate in activities outside of the classroom that gives them extra time for learning science, discussing current issues, and bonding.


Enrollment Open